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Material Table


React component library Material-table provides easily configurable, user-friendly tables for building web apps with React. Built atop Material UI – which implements Google’s Material Design system – Material-table provides convenient tables that are quick and simple to set up when developing web apps.

Material-table provides tools such as sorting, filtering, pagination and editing functions for managing and presenting tabular data in tabular tables. Furthermore, customizable settings include cell rendering options, column alignment settings and row styles to further facilitate management and presentation of tabular information.

Material-table offers several distinct advantages, chief among them its user friendliness. It supports multiple data sources including arrays, objects and REST APIs while offering an easy API to build custom tables quickly. Examples and demos showcasing Material-table’s features and capabilities can also be found online.

Material-table is an innovative data visualization, management, and analysis solution. It has numerous use cases within business applications where multiple users access tabular data simultaneously – for instance CRM, ERP and BI platforms.

Material-table is an open-source material-table project created and actively maintained by a group of programmers, available via Github under an MIT license. Give Material-table a look if you are creating React web applications and require robust, configurable table components!



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